Sort Bird Names Taxonomically

This website allows you to either sort a list of names into taxonomic order or create a needs list based on a reference taxonomy you select.

Quick Start

Type or paste your names into the Input Names field. Select your taxonomy and options, and then click the Sort button.

Hovering over a checkbox option shows a tooltip after a bit on devices with a mouse. For touch devices, each time you tap on a checkbox setting an option, the tooltip pops up after a bit. To make it go away, tap in an inactive part of the screen. This is annoying. I’m looking for a better solution.

When you have fuzzy matching enabled (guesses at what you meant if there is a typo), the output is displayed as Sora [Sorra]. The correct taxonomy name is listed first followed by what you entered in brackets.

Click on the User’s Guide navigation tab for all the gory details. There a lot of them!

Input Options

Select which taxonomy you want to sort your names against.

Attempt to match names containing typos.

Treat first row of CSV data as a header.

Keep all duplicate inputs. Two input names differing only in capitalization are not duplicates. To de-dup these, enable “Use Taxonomy Names.”
Needs List Options

List the entire taxonomy except for the names you enter.

Consider subspecies in the input and list relevant subspecies in the output.

Consider hybrids, “spuhs,” and such in the input and list relevant taxonomy entries in the output.

Include names that would have been excluded from the output and mark them with a hashmark (#).
Output Options

Output names as they appear in the taxonomy. Mostly affects spelling, capitalization, and hyphenation.

Prepend each line with a number. These numbers ascend in taxonomic order.

Input Names

0 non-blank input lines

Output Names

0 output lines with 0 fuzzy match(es)

Unknown Names

0 unknown lines

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