This website allows you to either sort a list of names into taxonomic order or create a needs list based on a reference taxonomy you select.
Quick Start
Type or paste your names into the Input Names field. Select your taxonomy and options, and then click the Sort button.
Hovering over a checkbox option shows a tooltip after a bit on devices with a mouse. For touch devices, each time you tap on a checkbox setting an option, the tooltip pops up after a bit. To make it go away, tap in an inactive part of the screen. This is annoying. I’m looking for a better solution.
When you have fuzzy matching enabled (guesses at what you meant if there is a typo), the output is displayed as Sora [Sorra]. The correct taxonomy name is listed first followed by what you entered in brackets.
Click on the User’s Guide navigation tab for all the gory details. There a lot of them!
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